A Psiloflora ceremony consists out of two parts; truffles with psilocybin and a tea of passionflower. The passionflower is used as a (light) mao-inhibitor. The mao-inhibitor ensures optimal absorption of the psilocybin in the body. The trip lasts a bit longer and you are able to sink deeper into your subconscious. The passionflower also has relaxing effects, which is beneficial during the trip.

The image of a spiral perfectly fits the ceremony. First, you draw inwards for a moment of deep introspection. This can feel familiar and safe, but it can also evoke new and confronting thoughts. Thoughts, images, dreams, anything can pass by. Both beautiful as, hard and uncomfortable moments can be of insight. The whole trip is a process. These insights can help with depression, burn-outs, or other mental barriers. Piercing patterns can be broken. This can help you to balance out your life and be closer to yourself. Therefore the trip is of a therapeutic nature. 

I’ll be by your side, every step along the way. We can practice several breathing techniques that help you breathe through the hard and confrontational moments. Meditation and certain yoga postures but also knowing someone being there helps to relax the mind. Calm and meditative music will be present during the trip.

The image of a spiral is not only a move inwards but also an outward movement. At the end of the ceremony, you’ll slowly turn outwards. Together we will eat a light vegetarian/vegan meal and you can share your experiences (only if you want of course). Sharing your experience will allow you to put certain processes into a new framework or perspective.  

Before the ceremony, there will be an intake procedure. This way I can take your previous experiences and any contra-indications into account. It is also important to think about your intention before the trip.

First, we will drink the tea and afterward, we will eat the truffles. I prefer to eat the truffles raw instead of mixing them in a smoothie because the sugars of the fruit can break down the psilocybin in the body. The full dose has to be eaten from the start, splitting the dosage in half does not work because the body immediately builds up a tolerance. Don’t worry, the dosage will be adjusted to you personally :). 

After eating the truffles you will lie down on your mattress. The psilocybin starts to show effects after 30 minutes. Meditative music will be present and we can start with some breathing exercises so that you can slowly turn inward.

I am currently growing my own truffles. These will be ready in Feb/March. If your interested in a session with my own truffles, then reserve your spot in advance!

If you have any questions or wif you want to book a session please do not hesitate to contact me!

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